Wednesday, May 11, 2005

things that make phil uncool

As promised, Phil. You didn't think I was joking did you?

1) His annoying habit of cycling right up behind me when I'm walking along wearing headphones and, not to put too fine a point on it, scaring seven kinds of crap out of me.

2) Referring to me as a baby no less than three times in one evening and then pointing out the organic, fairly traded nappies in the People Tree catalogue.

3) Using words like trash and sidewalk, when what he means to say is rubbish and pavement.

4) Having unconditional offers when I have none.

5) Going on holiday to Dubai.

6) Bragging about his unconditional offers when I have none.

7) Bragging about going on holiday to Dubai.

8) THAT conversation about organic tampons that in the name of all that is good and pure on God's earth shall NEVER be repeated on this website. Or his, if he knows what's good for him.

9) Applying for a job at MaccyD's. I don't care how unemployed you are, there are lines in this country that you do not cross.

10) Making fun of the way I sit.

11) Being right to make fun of the way I sit.

12) Having an incredibly loud stomach rumble.

13) Getting served in the pubs that have been throwing me out for years.

NOTE - this list will be updated as and when Phil pisses me off. Expect more soon.


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